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bmpcc 4k firmware update

Itll probably come out after the dust settles with the new 6K Pro. I feel it is necessary to have an open digital letter to fellow BMPCC4k users and interested parties regarding the firmware update 62 that included the much anticipated. Pocket Cinema Camera 6k Pro On Instagram Repost From Mattdgonzalez Bmpcc6kpro Bmpcc4k Bmpcc Cinema Camera Blackmagic Cinema Camera Canon Camera Models Whether its 4K or 6K. . Firmware update 66 for the BMPCC 4K 6K. Dear Blackmagic First of all THANKS for this amazing camera. BMPCC 4K Firmware Updates. Thats correct update 73 will give us Gen 5 color science AND a new RGB histogram. This is a MAJOR update for BOTH cameras and heres why4K75p and 26K120p footage is in this videoLUTS I USEMy. Things I would like to see on the next firmware. Here you will find the latest software updates support notes instruction manuals and all kinds of helpful information. If you need extra he...

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